Wright Now Counseling

Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist – MF001169 
AAMFT Clinical Fellow

About the Women’s Wholistic Summer Series

The Wholistic Women’s Summer Series is for the woman who has been feeling misunderstood, isolated, hurt, abandoned, overwhelmed or detached. Tired of the chaos, ratchedness and heaviness of the day to day? By creating gentle and calming spaces in a group atmosphere, Licensed Practitioners, Spiritual Guides and Coaches foster communion with other like-minded eclectic spirits that have been struggling to connect and understand who they are. This series is curated to help women understand and re-engage their entire beings. Rather than feeling pulled apart by the obligations of work, partnership, kids and family. Throughout the series you will move your body, stimulate your mind and engage your spirit as you learn to purposefully vibrate higher to achieve real sustaining Peace in your life.

The purpose of the WWSS is to help women propel their healing journey through self-discovery and self-introspection. It emphasizes understandings of attending to one's emotions, going inwards through meditation, establishing healthy boundaries, exploring alternative healing methods like crystal / stone healing and psychedelics while promoting self-love and self-acceptance. The journey aims to help individuals heal emotional wounds, connect with their inner selves, and achieve overall well-being. This series was created with purposeful time for you to focus on YOU! You are obligated to no one else during those moments during the series. By the end of the series you will have a greater love and acceptance of Self, what healing methods work for you, and identifying your reason to love life again! Come and re-connect with who you and blossom into the beautiful butterly you are meant to be.

In each session of the series, you will be expected to sit with nature (yes we will be outside, weather permitted.) We will first ground ourselves with Mother Nature and providing thanks through meditation and silent introspection. We will then engage ina lesson that will attune to understanding our inner turmoils and wounds. We will achieve this through psychoeducation, metaphysical healing lessons and other wholistic teachings!

Get Started

Essentials for a full life

What to Expect at the WWSS

 We will then move our bodies at the end of each lesson. Whether it’s through Yoga movement, stretching, dancing, or flowing with the wind. We will allow our bodies to move in ways to assist with blood flow and invigoration. We will finally close out with affirming ourselves and our sister spirits to encourage us to continue our weeks on the high vibrational note we curated that day

Some Lessons to Look Forward to.

Get Started

Understanding your Energy Sources

Learning you inside and out, understanding my Chakra’s and how to attend to them when wounded (learning to heal your emotional wounds through meditation).

Crystal and Stone Healing

Crystal and Stone healing, our connection to the earth and the divine light. Learning to how work with this metaphysical element to heal, manifest, create and more. 

Boundary Formations

Here we will learn to create healthy boundaries with family, friends and peers. I will let you in on a secret, it is neither passive nor aggressive.You can’t keep letting them back in, or the same person, different face. Keep your emotions safe from those who abuse them.

Reiki and Energy Work

Open your mind and heart to energetic work. The metaphysical healing modalities that uses life force and internal energies to transfer, chaange and shift energy from negative to positive. 


  • When and where does the women’s group meet?

    The women’s group meets every 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month for 1hr and 15mins. We meet at a secret 🤫 location every week , Location will be in the Philadelphia County area. Location will be shared upon signing up.  Weather permitted, meeting locations will be outside! Please do not share the secret location with those who have not signed up. 

  • What should I bring?

    Bring a blanket, yoga mat, towel, something to sit on as we will be sitting on the ground communing and moving! If the weather is not cooperating with us, we will be indoors. All persons who properly sign up for each session will be notified in advanced. Make sure you sign up through the register page. 

  • Are the sessions virtual or in-person?

    Sessions are both virtual and in-person! But to gain the full intimate experience, you should come in person! 

  • What should I expect in the Wholistic Series

    This summer series is dedicated to the healing and expansion of our mind body and soul. The series is dedicated to moving your body, enlightening the mind and expanding the soul. Through specific wholistic lessons, participants will be able to gain a sense of peace and healing through learning to engage and embrace their whole selves. The goal is to learn to re-connect with the parts of us, rather than have the internal and external parts of us fighting against one another. Lessons will have a combination of psycho-education, emotional health and metaphysical health elements to it. Each lesson each week will be themed, the movement and meditation will align with the lesson of that week. Below are a few lessons that will be touched on during the summer series:

    • Learning you inside and out, understanding my Chakra’s  and how to attend to them when wounded (learning to heal your emotional wounds through meditation).
    • Crystal and Stone  healing, our connection to the earth and the divine light. 
    • Understanding your intuition (learning to trust your gut and using emotional intelligence in tuned with logic!)
    • Boundary formations (you can’t keep letting them back in, or the same person, different face. Keep your emotions safe from those who abuse them.) 
    • Psychedelic Healing- The magic of Psychedelics and how it can transform your life.
    • EMOTIONS = energy+motion;  And how to use it. - Emotions are the language of the Soul, ignore your emotions and the Soul will want to leave the body. 
    • Reiki Healing- Open your mind and heart to energetic work. The metaphysical healing modalities that uses life force and internal energies to transfer, chaange and shift energy from negative to positive. 
    • Self Love Tips- Not just loving you, but liking you (know the difference, the start to the Self Love Journey, would you date you?)-
    • Are you being called “Controlling?” And what it really means. (Understanding the trauma responses of why most women are “controlling”.)- SuperWoman Syndrome understood.
    • Self perception (learning the ropes of self love; self confidence vs. self love- two different things)
    • Can you pick whatever sessions you want to attend, or do you have to attend the whole series?
    • You do not have to attend the whole series. You are allowed to attend which ever series your soul pulls you towards. However to receive the full benefits of reconnecting with yourself, it would be ideal to attend the whole series.
  • What will we do during each session?

    • During the first part of the session we will ground ourselves through meditation and gentle reminders to ourselves, through affirmations. This will be aligned with the theme of the lesson that week.  
    • The second part we will engage in our lesson for the day. See above for more information on each lesson. 
    • The last part, we will move our bodies and ground ourselves within nature to fully reconnect and ground ourselves with Mother Nature and with ourselves 
  • What kind of movement will we engage in?

    • Yoga-like movement
    • Tantric movement 
    • Freedom dancing 
    • Stretching and grounding 
    • Somatic exercises
    • Deep breathing 
  • Do you take insurance?

    For the Women’s Summer Series unfortunately we do not take insurance. However, insurance is accepted through some private therapeutic sessions through WrightNOW Counseling.

  • Do you see client’s privately

    Yes, at WrightNOW Counseling we have Life Coaches, Licensed Therapist, Energy Therapist and Counselors all available to see clients individually and privately.   

  • How much are the sessions and what forms of payment do you take?

    Sessions summer 2024 are $35 a session. Session can be paid by Credit Card, Debit Card, HSA/FSA, Venmo, CashApp and ApplePAY

  • How do I get a Discounted session

    If you bring a friend, you and your friend will get a discounted where you both will only pay $17 for the session you both attend. Both participants must sign up to get the discounted rate. Promo code will be provided by contacting wrightnowcounseling@gmail.com . Please email wrighnowcounseling@gmail.com  with you and your friend attached to the email to receive the discount code. 

  • How many people are in each group?

    For purposed of being a safe and intimate space to share and commune, there will be a limit of 10 people allowed at each session.

  • Can I bring children?

    Unfortunately no, children are not allowed at the Summer Women’s Series.

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